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You want to raise a passionate reader. That much you know. But how? You could probably spend hundreds of pounds on how-to books, flash cards and other accessories for your child, as well as specialized reading programs promoting every possible avenue to full literacy. However, spending THAT much money is crazy, especially since it’s unnecessary and we will introduce to you the most effective way to get your kids reading without having to empty your purse!

As a parent, you have so many different priorities when it comes to your child. You need to keep your child safe, healthy & loved. We need to engage our children’s minds in order for them to grow and learn, and reading is one of the BEST ways to achieve this.

Reading is a complex developmental challenge. It’s such a crucial life skill that it’s important to do everything you can to help your children become the best readers they can be. To encourage your child’s reading habits, it is essential that you not only give them the skills to succeed at reading, but give them the tools that make reading FUN for them. If you can get your children to love reading at an early age, you’ll turn them into life-long readers.

At what age should kids start reading?

If you can make learning fun and exciting- something that your child actually wants to do with you- then begin as soon as possible! Obviously, we can’t begin teaching a newborn how to read! However, we can begin in infancy to lay the foundation for literacy which will in the end make your child a much stronger reader.

It might seem that books for toddlers aren’t that significant because they mostly contain more pictures than words but this isn’t true at all! The books are still so invaluable with important lessons about growing up, friendship, family, love and so much more.

The U.S. Department of Education recommends beginning to read to your baby when they are 6 months old. According to their 2003 report, hearing words repetitively helps babies become familiar with them and reading to them is one of the best ways to help them learn.

It is NEVER too early to begin teaching your child to read, or at least laying the foundation for early literacy skills and it can definitely be left too late!

Why is reading important for children and how can it be life-changing?

More than any other subject or skill, our children’s futures are determined by how well they learn to read. Reading opens the door to a WORLD of experiences and opportunities. It broadens your knowledge and opens up your wonderful imagination!

Studies show that children who love reading tend to do better in school. They achieve higher test scores and recognise letters and numbers better than those who read less often. They can communicate better, increase their confidence and independence, and learn the tools that will be useful for them as they get older. Ultimately, reading helps children to prepare for whatever life throws at them.

Here’s a list of more specific benefits of reading:

  1. Reading improves knowledge of language including vocabulary, sentence structure and pronunciation.
  2. It helps children learn about story structure and narratives which will not only help them with their literacy skills but also with social interaction. Storytelling and narratives are used in professional and personal interactions so children who have the best grasp of narrative techniques often become the most successful in these areas in the future.
  3. Stories stimulate your child’s imagination and creativity. They challenge and engage your child’s mind.
  4. Through books, your child can learn and experience different cultures and events and generally learn many things about life and academics, therefore improving their general knowledge.
  5. Reading to a child promotes physical contact as your child sits on your lap or cuddles beside you. It provides another opportunity to strengthen your bond with your child.

You should make reading to (or WITH) your child a part of your regular daily routine but also include spontaneous opportunities as well. Not only will these moments draw you closer to your child and provide lasting memories but you are also giving your child benefits that will impact their ENTIRE life.

How can I help my kids develop their reading skills?

We have something that can show you how to encourage kids to read!

Reading Head Start’ is a an amazing, scientifically-proven e-book program by Sarah Shepherd that can enhance your children’s ability to read. Sarah is a mother as well as a professional teacher so she understands the needs of children as well as the needs of a parent to want to help their child in any way they can. Since she has been in the same position as many other parents who have struggled with their kids’ reading and learning, we know that the program she’s created has been made with her own personal touch and her true passion to want to help others.

What this program includes:

  • A full & detailed guide to reading
  • A day-to-day breakdown of a 40-week learning schedule
  • Learning how to use worksheets
  • Interactive reading games
  • A range of useful videos to watch
  • Tips on engaging your child to read
  • A certificate for your child after they complete each stage of the program

These are just the basics of what this wonderful program includes. However, you can also watch a helpful video that introduces Sarah’s personal story and really SHOWS you how this e-book can help your child read better than those who are 2-4 years older than them!

It’s guaranteed to work for ANY child of ANY age which is even better! You’ll learn with this program how to help your kids to increase their efficiency in reading and learning. Isn’t this what we all want for our children? To help them to boost their confidence and self-esteem so they can have a more successful and happier future? If you’re a busy parent, then this program is even more perfect as it doesn’t take CHUNKS of time out of your day- you only need about 15 minutes every day and you’ll see the life-changing results moments later!

It’s the best reading program out there right now and honestly, nothing can beat this one!


What can happen if my child doesn’t develop a reading habit?

Reading is ABSOLUTELY fundamental. It has been said so often that it has become meaningless but it does not negate its truth. In our society, in our world, the inability to read consigns children to underachievement and failure in school and consigns adults to the lowest strata of job and life opportunities.

Statistically, more American children suffer long-term life-long harm from the process of learning to read than from parental abuse, accidents, and all other childhood diseases and disorders combined.  In purely economic terms, reading-related difficulties cost our nation more than the war on terrorism, crime and drugs combined! Crazy!

You gain so much general knowledge when you read, so imagine what happens when you don’t read. Knowledge gives you confidence, to interact with other people in social situations as you can talk about many different topics- so if your kids don’t read, they won’t have that same confidence. They won’t know how to deal with social interactions and will grow up with a low self-esteem (which isn’t what ANY parent wants). Not reading will cause them to lose focus and end up being behind their peers, academically. They won’t be able to think independently as much and will lack creativity and imagination.

Reading stimulates our ability to develop critical thinking skills which are ESSENTIAL for cognitive development.  A reading struggle early in life can make have an irrevocable impact. It can mark your child for life!

How to get your child interested in reading!

How you read and what you do during the reading determines how much your child gets out of that reading time. So, how do you read so your children will fall in love with books?

  1. Provide encouragement and make reading FUN so your kids will want to read forever! Get them engaged in the story they are reading through activities like acting, question games, singing etc.
  2. Be a reader yourself. Be a great role model for your kids to follow. Children naturally want to copy adult behaviour so if they see you often with your nose in a book, they’ll probably wonder what’s so interesting about this activity.
  3. Have books available to your children. Put up a book shelf in their room so they are constantly surrounded by books. It also makes it more personal being in their own room so they will naturally gravitate towards them.
  4. Enrich the reading with follow up activities and discussion. Think of craft ideas or songs that relate to the story.
  5. Limit TV and other electronic media that can make your child become lazy (specifically, too lazy to read!)

The MOST important thing is not to worry! Don’t stress that your child isn’t reading properly yet. Firstly, this amazing program is here to help you! Secondly, remember that every child learns at a different pace so allow them to follow their own journey and path, without comparing them to anyone else. Make reading together pleasant, not stressful. 

Be the best teacher for your child! 

No one cares more about a child’s education than a mother or father. You can be the BEST teacher for your child. Take Thomas Edison as an example- he was expelled due to being a mentally deficient child but was told by his mother at the time that the school didn’t have teachers good enough to teach him and that she should teach him herself. She took this as a great opportunity and saw the potential in Thomas, which lead to him becoming one of the greatest inventors of the century!  

Ultimately, reading gives you LIFE lessons and the earlier your child starts reading, the better. So, we urge you to make the most of this incredible opportunity to effectively show you how to help your child love reading

and to develop their reading skills in a fun and interactive way! This probably won’t apply to you but just so you know, a 100% iron-clad 365-Day Money-Back guarantee is also offered when you enrol on this program (just in case you aren’t satisfied for some strange reason!) Try it out and see the results for yourself! We promise you won’t regret it!

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